The Southern Central highlight tour (7 days 6 nights)

Hue- Hoi An- Kham Duc- Komtum- Buon Me Thuot- Lak lake- Dalat

*Day 1: Hue_ Hoi An (140km).
– Get off Hue city being on Highway 1 to Cau Hai lagoon-the biggest on in the centre of VietNam to visit the boat fishing village. The next will be Phuoc Tuong pass to take some great photos from the top then spend time swimming at the rock pool at the Elephant spring. After having rest and lunch at Lang Co town and the most amazing of this day tour is driving up to the highest pass in the centre – Hai Van pass. The meaning of Hai Van is the sea and cloud. You will drive up with one side mountain and The Eastsea ( South china sea) on the other-496 metter high on the top, walking around to take some photos and see some French and American bunkers.
-Driving down and through Da Nang city stop at famous china beach named by American, explore five Marble moutains named after 5 elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The last is Hoi An.

*Day 2: Free day exploring Hoi An ancient town and Cua Dai beach.

*Day 3: Hoi An- My Son- Kham Duc:
-After getting off Hoi An to see riepaper making, My Son- Champa temple. We will cross Bon river by local boat to head up Ho Chi Minh trail to understand about Vietnam war, by the way you will visit pineapple farm and enjoy the fresh pineapple, enjoy the beautiful view and fresh air, stop at the minority village to discover the local’s culture and customs stay overnight in Kham Duc.

*Day 4: Kham Duc- Kontum:

-After driving over Lo Xo pass you will be at begining of central highland-well known by the name: New economical zone with rubber,coffee,pepper farms never stopped by your eyes. Keep travelling on Ho Chi Minh trail. Then stop at Indochine Corner Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia to have lunch. In the afternoon stopping at Dacto-TanCanh former battle to understand more about the Viet Nam war, the visit the wooden church and orphanage before staying overnight in KonTum.

*Day 5:KomTum-Buon Me Thuot

-Driving cross many greefield of Bana and Giarai people to Pleiku to visit the Sealake which used to be a volcanic crater that stopped working a  million years ago. Travelling on the old Ho Chi Minh trail to learn more about the history of vietnamese people during the French colong, daily life of highlanders who live along road to learn how to make coffee, pepper….

*Day 6: Buon Me Thuot- Lak lake

– In the morning, we keep driving on Ho Chi Minh road to visit Dray Nua and Dray Sap waterfall: Swimming in Fairy pool, have a water massage from the waterfall then come back to Buon Me Thuot city to have lunch before driving through the forest path without many traffic and tourist where you will enjoy the most beautiful countryside sceneries and even join in the local people’s life-style.

-Check in Lak resort and stay there.

*Day 7: Lak lake- Da Lat:

-After having a vietnamese coffe and breakfast you could visit Jun minority Village by riding elephant, trekking or going by boat (extra pay)

-Keep driving through the forest path passing over Chuoi pass then head up many coffee farm to Da Lat. The tour is finished.

* Note: After this day you could decide to keep going on bike tours with some intineraries:

– Da Lat to Nha Trang or Mui Ne : 1 more days

– Da Lat to Ho Chi Minh city       : 2 more days

– Da Lat to Ho Chi Minh city and MeKong delta: 6 more days

* Start time : 8.00am- Finish time : 4.00pm.

* Price        : 525 USD/ pax/ 7 days (Including:6 nights hotel, English speaking guide, gasoline, helmet, raincoat

* Self ride: if you know to ride and are intersting in driving we could arrange the bike then you will ride following the guide.

* We are happy to meet you in person to discuss or answer some questions you many have about the tour