Hue – DMZ

+ Start time: 7:30 am.

+ Finish time: 6:00 pm.

If you are interested in Vietnamese history and learning more about this amazing country you should spend one day visiting the DMZ.

Heading up to Quang Tri province where the DMZ belongs – one the way we will stop at Hương Điền cemetery – one of the biggest in Hue with about  2.000 graves to pay respect to the soliders who fought and died during  the war, arriving Quang Tri town you will visit some historical relics of Quang Tri battle during 81 days and nights from June 28th to September 16th 1972 between North, the south and the Americans: Long Hưng church, Horible highway Quang Tri ancient citadel. Then we get off Highway 1 to ride along the beatigul coast road crossing Viet the mouth with small fishing villages. Salt farms shrim farms, we will stop at the beautiful beach_ Cua Tung to have lunch.

Next we will explore the Vịnh Mốc tunnel as well_known as the village underground the land with 3 levels: 12, 15, 23 metter depth with a total length 1701 metters.

After that you will explore the Demilitaried Zone with Bến Hải riverbanks and Hiền Lương brige where Vietnam was devided by the Geneva convention on May 20th 1954 before returning to Hue.

*Self ride: If you know how to ride and are interesting in driving we could arrange the bike then you will ride following the guide.

*Price: 48$/pax (helmet, raincoat, petrol, picking up, English speaking guide).

*We are very happy to meet you person to discuss and answer some questions you may have about the tour.