Hue – DMZ – Khe Sanh – Ho Chi Minh trail – Hue

If you are interesting in Vietnamese history and seeing more about Vietnam. This is the tour for you.

+The 1st day: Heading up Quãng Trị town about 65 km from Huế on Highway 1, you will visit one of the biggest bat/les between the North and South taking place during the war, especially 81 days and nights from June 28th to September 16th in 1972 well_known as fired sumer, some relics: Long Hưng Church, Quãng Trị ancient citadel, American bunker and prison. Getting off the Highway 1 riding along the village road crossing Viet mouth then Tùng mouth with small villages salt and shrimp farms. The next we will explore Vịnh Mốc tunnel built from 1966 to 1968 in thirty months with three levels: 12, 15, and 23 metter deepth in 1701 metter length then stop at Bến Hải river banks and Hiền Lương brigde where Vietnam devided North and South by Geneva Convention on May 20th 1954_ The DMZ. After having lunch at Miếu base we ride up the eastern Hồ Chí Minh trail with 20 km to Highway 9 then heading up to Khe Sanh. Overningt here.

+The 2nd day: Visiting Khe Sanh base, Tà Cơn air base, Highway 9 museum then we will start at km 250th of western Hồ Chí Minh trail to Aluoi with many beautiful landscapes, spectacular scenary from the top of the mountains, seeing some daily activities of minorities: Paco and Vân Kiều. After having lunch in Alưới we drive down three passes: Aco, Tà Lương, Kim Quy back to Huế. The tour is finished.

+Start time 1st day: 7:30 am.

+Finish time 2nd day: 4:00 am.

+Price: 65$/pax/day ( including: 1 night hotel, tickets, raincoat, hemet, English speaking guide ).

+We are happy to meet you in person to discuss or answer some questions you may have about the tour.

+Self ride: If you know how to ride and are interesting in driving we could arrange the bike then you will ride following the guide.